
August 2012 A Year of Progress

It's been a year since the last news update. We've been quite busy with lots of exciting developments. Here are some of the highlights:

  • The Motion Grammar was applied to a number of human-robot domains including the transfer of knowledge from humans to robots. Neil Dantam, the originator of the representation has continued its development and expansion both in theory and practice to results in continuous spaces and broad applications in robotics. NSF has sponsored this development with equipment for a Motion Grammar Laboratory for developing algorithms that transfer knowledge between Cyber-Physical Systems.
  • We are starting a new research project on the use of environment objects as tools by robots. In this project will not only develop new methods for perception and use of object properties but also collaborate with Pat Langley at ISLE and Dongkyu Choi at KSU. This research is now supported by the The Office of Naval Research
  • In collaboration with TEMA (Toyota), Tobias Kunz has developed two new algorithms for the domain of Partner Robots and general robot control. First, we have extended task-constrained planning to soft constraints and second we have extended algorithms and created reliable open source software for time-optimal trajectory following of paths with limits on joint velocity and acceleration.
  • Navigation Among Movable Obstacles (NAMO) was extended to domains with uncertain information. Martin Levihn and Jon Scholz have developed novel algorithms for handling exponentially complex configuration spaces and uncertainty simultaneously during real-time computation.
  • Golem Krang now has two arms and two Robotiq hands as well a Kinect for perceiving the world. We are beginning to look into serious environment manipulation strategies to be developed and implemented on our humanoid robot.
