
Navigation Among Movable Obstacles (NAMO)

Robots would be far more useful if they could autonomously move obstacles out of the way. Future rescue robots that save humans from disasters such as floods and earthquakes will be required to solve Navigation Among Movable Obstacles (NAMO). Traditional motion planning algorithms search for collision-free paths from the start to the goal. This is not sufficient when the flood waters have caused furniture to float and collapse, leaving no open path to the victims. Instead, the robot must quickly decide which obstacles can be moved to clear a path to the goal. It must choose where to move objects and compute valid motion plans that integrate navigation and manipulation.

Our recent work develops practical planning algorithms that take advantage of these options while simultaneously constructing more accurate models of the environment.

This project is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF).



  • Mike Stilman and James Kuffner Planning Among Movable Obstacles with Artificial Constraints International Journal of Robotics Research. no. 12. 2008.

    This paper presents artificial constraints as a method for guiding heuristic search in the computationally challenging domain of motion planning among movable obstacles. The robot is permitted to manipulate unspecified obstacles in order to create space for a path. A plan is an ordered sequence of paths for robot motion and object manipulation. We show that under monotone assumptions, anticipating future manipulation paths results in constraints on both the choice of objects and their placements at earlier stages in the plan. We present an algorithm that uses this observation to incrementally reduce the search space and quickly find solutions to previously unsolved classes of movable obstacle problems. Our planner is developed for arbitrary robot geometry and kinematics. It is presented with an implementation for the domain of navigation among movable obstacles

      title = {Planning Among Movable Obstacles with Artificial Constraints},
      number = {12},
      volume = {27},
      pages = {1295--1307},
      journal = {International Journal of Robotics Research},
      author = {Mike Stilman and James Kuffner},
      year = {2008}
  • Satoshi Kagami, Koichi Nishiwaki, James Kuffner, Simon Thompson, Joel Chestnutt, Mike Stilman, and Philipp Michel Humanoid HRP2-DHRC for Autonomous and Interactive Behavior Robotics Research. 2007.

    Recently, research on humanoid-type robots has become increasingly active, and a broad array of fundamental issues are under investigation. However, in order to achieve a humanoid robot which can operate in human environ- ments, not only the fundamental components themselves, but also the suc- cessful integration of these components will be required. At present, almost all humanoid robots that have been developed have been designed for bipedal locomotion experiments. In order to satisfy the functional demands of loco- motion as well as high-level behaviors, humanoid robots require good me- chanical design, hardware, and software which can support the integration of tactile sensing, visual perception, and motor control. Autonomous behaviors are currently still very primitive for humanoid-type robots. It is difficult to conduct research on high-level autonomy and intelligence in humanoids due to the development and maintenance costs of the hardware. We believe low- level autonomous functions will be required in order to conduct research on higher-level autonomous behaviors for humanoids.

      title = {Humanoid HRP2-DHRC for Autonomous and Interactive Behavior},
      volume = {28},
      pages = {103--117},
      journal = {Robotics Research},
      author = {Satoshi Kagami and Nishiwaki, Koichi and James Kuffner and Thompson, Simon and Chestnutt, Joel and Mike Stilman and Michel, Philipp},
      year = {2007}
  • Mike Stilman, Koichi Nishiwaki, Satoshi Kagami, and James Kuffner Planning and Executing Navigation Among Movable Obstacles Springer Journal of Advanced Robotics. no. 14. 2007.

    This paper explores autonomous locomotion, reaching, grasping and manipulation for the domain of Navigation Among Movable Obstacles (NAMO). The robot perceives and constructs a model of an environment filled with various fixed and movable obstacles, and automatically plans a navigation strategy to reach a desired goal location. The planned strategy consists of a sequence of walking and compliant manipulation operations. It is executed by the robot with online feedback. We give an overview of our NAMO system, as well as provide details of the autonomous planning, online grasping and compliant hand positioning during dynamically-stable walking. Finally, we present results of a successful implementation running on the Humanoid Robot HRP-2.

      title = {Planning and Executing Navigation Among Movable Obstacles},
      number = {14},
      volume = {21},
      pages = {1617--1634},
      journal = {Springer Journal of Advanced Robotics},
      author = {Mike Stilman and Nishiwaki, Koichi and Satoshi Kagami and James Kuffner},
      year = {2007}
  • Mike Stilman and James Kuffner Navigation Among Movable Obstacles: Real-Time Reasoning in Complex Environments International Journal on Humanoid Robotics. no. 4. 2005.

    In this paper, we address the problem of Navigation Among Movable Obstacles (NAMO): a practical extension to navigation for humanoids and other dexterous mobile robots. The robot is permitted to reconfgure the environment by moving obstacles and clearing free space for a path. This paper presents a resolution complete planner for a subclass of NAMO problems. Our planner takes advantage of the navigational structure through state-space decomposition and heuristic search. The planning complexity is reduced to the difficulty of the specified navigation task, rather than the dimensionality of the multiobject domain. We demonstrate real-time results for spaces that contain large numbers of movable obstacles. We also present a practical framework for single-agent search that can be used in algorithmic reasoning about this domain.

      title = {Navigation Among Movable Obstacles: Real-Time Reasoning in Complex Environments},
      number = {4},
      volume = {2},
      pages = {479--504},
      month = {December},
      journal = {International Journal on Humanoid Robotics},
      author = {Mike Stilman and James Kuffner},
      year = {2005}

Books and Chapters

  • Mike Stilman Autonomous Manipulation of Movable Obstacles Ch. 8. Ed. Kensuke Harada, Eiichi Yoshida, and Kazuhito Yokoi. University of Chicago Press. 2010.

    In this chapter we describe recent progress towards autonomous manipulation of environment objects. Many tasks, such as nursing home assistance, construction or search and rescue, require the robot to not only avoid obstacles but also move them out if its way to make space for reaching the goal. We present algorithms that decide which objects should be moved, where to move them and how to move them. Finally, we introduce a complete system that takes into account humanoid balance, joint limits and fullbody constraints to accomplish environment interaction.

      title = {Autonomous Manipulation of Movable Obstacles},
      publisher = {University of Chicago Press},
      chapter = {8},
      edition = {13},
      editor = {Kensuke Harada and Eiichi Yoshida and Kazuhito Yokoi},
      author = {Mike Stilman},
      year = {2010}


  • 2014
  • Martin Levihn, Koichi Nishiwaki, Satoshi Kagami, and Mike Stilman Autonomous Environment Manipulation to Assist Humanoid Locomotion IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. 2014.

    Legged robots have unique capabilities to traverse complex environments by stepping over and onto objects. Many footstep planners have been developed to take advantage of these capabilities. However, legged robots also have inherent constraints such as a maximum step height and distance. These constraints typically limit their reachable space, independent of footstep planning. Thus, we propose that robots such as humanoid robots that have manipulation capabilities should use them. A robot should autonomously modify its environment if necessary. We present a system that enabled a real robot to use a box to create itself a stair step or place a board on the ground to cross a gap, allowing it to reach its otherwise unreachable goal configuration.

      title = {Autonomous Environment Manipulation to Assist Humanoid Locomotion},
      booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation},
      author = {Martin Levihn and Nishiwaki, Koichi and Kagami, Satoshi and Mike Stilman},
      year = {2014}
  • 2013
  • Jonathan Scholz, Martin Levihn, and Charles L. Isbell What Does Physics Bias: A Comparison of Model Priors for Robot Manipulation 1st Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making. 2013.

    We explore robot object manipulation as a Bayesian model-based reinforcement learning problem under a collection of different model priors. Our main contribution is to highlight the limitations of classical non-parametric regression approaches in the context of online learning, and to introduce an alternative approach based on monolithic physical inference. The primary motivation for this line of research is to incorporate physical system identification into the RL model, where it can be integrated with modern approaches to Bayesian structure learning. Overall, our results support the idea that modern physical simulation tools provide a model space with an appropriate inductive bias for manipulation problems in natural environments.

      title = {What Does Physics Bias: A Comparison of Model Priors for Robot Manipulation},
      booktitle = {1st Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making},
      author = {Jonathan Scholz and Martin Levihn and Isbell, Charles L.},
      year = {2013}
  • Martin Levihn, Matthew Dutton, Alexander Trevor, and Mike Stilman Detecting Partially Occluded Objects via Segmentation and Validation IEEE Workshop on Robot Vision (WoRV). 2013.

    This paper presents a novel algorithm: Verfied Partial Object Detector (VPOD) for accurate detection of partially occluded objects such as furniture in 3D point clouds. VPOD is implemented and validated on real sensor data obtained by our robot. It extends Viewpoint Feature Histograms (VFH) which classify unoccluded objects to also classifying partially occluded objects such as furniture that might be seen in typical office environments. To achieve this result, VPOD employs two strategies. First, object models are segmented and the object database is extended to include partial models. Second, once a matching partial object is detected, the complete object model is aligned back into the scene and verified for consistency with the point cloud data. Overall, our approach increases the number of objects found and substantially reduces false positives due to the verification process.

      title = {Detecting Partially Occluded Objects via Segmentation and Validation},
      booktitle = {IEEE Workshop on Robot Vision (WoRV)},
      author = {Martin Levihn and Dutton, Matthew and Trevor, Alexander and Mike Stilman},
      year = {2013}
  • 2012
  • Martin Levihn, Jonathan Scholz, and Mike Stilman Hierarchical Decision Theoretic Planning for Navigation Among Movable Obstacles Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics. 2012.

    In this paper we present the first decision theoretic planner for the problem of Navigation Among Movable Obstacles (NAMO). While efficient planners for NAMO exist, they are challenging to implement in practice due to the inherent uncertainty in both perception and control of real robots. Generalizing existing NAMO planners to nondeterministic domains is particularly difficult due to the sensitivity of MDP methods to task dimensionality. Our work addresses this challenge by combining ideas from Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning with Monte Carlo Tree Search, and results in an algorithm that can be used for fast online planning in uncertain environments. We evaluate our algorithm in simulation, and provide a theoretical argument for our results which suggest linear time complexity in the number of obstacles for typical environments.

      title = {Hierarchical Decision Theoretic Planning for Navigation Among Movable Obstacles},
      pages = {19--35},
      month = {June},
      booktitle = {Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics},
      author = {Martin Levihn and Jonathan Scholz and Mike Stilman},
      year = {2012}
  • 2011
  • Akansel Cosgun, Tucker Hermans, Victor Emeli, and Mike Stilman Push Planning for Object Placement on Cluttered Table Surfaces IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. 2011.

    We present a novel planning algorithm for the problem of placing objects on a cluttered surface such as a table, counter or floor. The planner (1) selects a placement for the target object and (2) constructs a sequence of manipulation actions that create space for the object. When no continuous space is large enough for direct placement, the planner leverages means-end analysis and dynamic simulation to find a sequence of linear pushes that clears the necessary space. Our heuristic for determining candidate placement poses for the target object is used to guide the manipulation search. We show successful results for our algorithm in simulation

      title = {Push Planning for Object Placement on Cluttered Table Surfaces},
      pages = {4627--4632},
      month = {September},
      booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems},
      author = {Cosgun, Akansel and Tucker Hermans and Emeli, Victor and Mike Stilman},
      year = {2011}
  • 2010
  • Hai-Ning Wu, Martin Levihn, and Mike Stilman Navigation Among Movable Obstacles in Unknown Environments IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. 2010.

    This paper explores the Navigation Among Movable Obstacles (NAMO) problem in an unknown environment. We consider the realistic scenario in which the robot has to navigate to a goal position in an unknown environment consisting of static and movable objects. The robot may move objects if the goal can not be reached otherwise or if moving the object may significantly shorten the path to the goal. We consider real situations in which the robot only has limited sensing information and where the action selection can therefore only be based on partial knowledge learned from the environment at that point. This paper introduces an algorithm that significantly reduces the necessary calculations to accomplish this task compared to a direct approach. We present an efficient implementation for the case of planar, axis-aligned environments and report experimental results on challenging scenarios with more than 50 objects

      title = {Navigation Among Movable Obstacles in Unknown Environments},
      pages = {1433--1438},
      month = {October},
      booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems},
      author = {Wu, Hai-Ning and Martin Levihn and Mike Stilman},
      year = {2010}
  • 2008
  • Jur van den Berg, Mike Stilman, James Kuffner, Ming Lin, and Dinesh Manocha Path Planning Among Movable Obstacles: A Probabilistically Complete Approach Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundation of Robotics. 2008.

    In this paper we study the problem of path planning among movable obstacles, in which a robot is allowed to move the obstacles if they block the robot's way from a start to a goal position. We make the observation that we can decouple the computations of the robot motions and the obstacle movements, and present a probabilistically complete algorithm, something which to date has not been achieved for this problem. Our algorithm maintains an explicit representation of the robot's configuration space. We present an eficient implementation for the case of planar, axis-aligned environments and report experimental results on challenging scenarios

      title = {Path Planning Among Movable Obstacles: A Probabilistically Complete Approach},
      pages = {599--614},
      month = {December},
      booktitle = {Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundation of Robotics},
      author = {Jur van den Berg and Mike Stilman and James Kuffner and Lin, Ming and Manocha, Dinesh},
      year = {2008}
  • 2007
  • Mike Stilman, Jan-Ullrich Schamburek, James Kuffner, and Tamim Asfour Manipulation planning among movable obstacles IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. 2007.

    This paper presents the ResolveSpatialConstraints (RSC) algorithm for manipulation planning in a domain with movable obstacles. Empirically we show that our algorithm quickly generates plans for simulated articulated robots in a highly nonlinear search space of exponential dimension. RSC is a reverse-time search that samples future robot actions and constrains the space of prior object displacements. To optimize the efficiency of RSC, we identify methods for sampling object surfaces and generating connecting paths between grasps and placements. In addition to experimental analysis of RSC, this paper looks into object placements and task-space motion constraints among other unique features of the three dimensional manipulation planning domain.

      title = {Manipulation planning among movable obstacles},
      pages = {3327--3332},
      month = {April},
      booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation},
      author = {Mike Stilman and Schamburek, Jan-Ullrich and James Kuffner and Tamim Asfour},
      year = {2007}
  • Mike Stilman Task Constrained Motion Planning in Robot Joint Space IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. 2007.

    We explore global randomized joint space path planning for articulated robots that are subject to task space constraints. This paper describes a representation of constrained motion for joint space planners and develops two simple and efficient methods for constrained sampling of joint configurations: Tangent Space Sampling (TS) and First-Order Retraction (FR). Constrained joint space planning is important for many real world problems involving redundant manipulators. On the one hand, tasks are designated in work space coordinates: rotating doors about fixed axes, sliding drawers along fixed trajectories or holding objects level during transport. On the other, joint space planning gives alternative paths that use redundant degrees of freedom to avoid obstacles or satisfy additional goals while performing a task. In simulation, we demonstrate that our methods are faster and significantly more invariant to problem/algorithm parameters than existing techniques

      title = {Task Constrained Motion Planning in Robot Joint Space},
      pages = {3074--3081},
      month = {October},
      booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems},
      author = {Mike Stilman},
      year = {2007}
  • 2006
  • Mike Stilman, Koichi Nishiwaki, Satoshi Kagami, and James Kuffner Planning and Executing Navigation Among Movable Obstacles IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. 2006.

    This paper explores autonomous locomotion, reaching, grasping and manipulation for the domain of Navigation Among Movable Obstacles (NAMO). The robot perceives and constructs a model of an environment filled with various fixed and movable obstacles, and automatically plans a navigation strategy to reach a desired goal location. The planned strategy consists of a sequence of walking and compliant manipulation operations. It is executed by the robot with online feedback. We give an overview of our NAMO system, as well as provide details of the autonomous planning, online grasping and compliant hand positioning during dynamically-stable walking. Finally, we present results of a successful implementation running on the Humanoid Robot HRP-2

      title = {Planning and Executing Navigation Among Movable Obstacles},
      pages = {1617--1634},
      month = {October},
      booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems},
      author = {Mike Stilman and Nishiwaki, Koichi and Satoshi Kagami and James Kuffner},
      year = {2006}
  • Mike Stilman and James Kuffner Planning Among Movable Obstacles with Artificial Constraints Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics. 2006.

    This paper presents artiificial constraints as a method for guiding heuristic search in the computationally challenging domain of motion planning among movable obstacles. The robot is permitted to manipulate unspecifieed obstacles in order to create space for a path. A plan is an ordered sequence of paths for robot motion and object manipulation. We show that under monotone assumptions, anticipating future manipulation paths results in constraints on both the choice of objects and their placements at earlier stages in the plan. We present an algorithm that uses this observation to incrementally reduce the search space and quickly find solutions to previously unsolved classes of movable obstacle problems. Our planner is developed for arbitrary robot geometry and kinematics. It is presented with an implementation for the domain of navigation among movable obstacles.

      title = {Planning Among Movable Obstacles with Artificial Constraints},
      pages = {1295--1307},
      month = {July},
      booktitle = {Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics},
      author = {Mike Stilman and James Kuffner},
      year = {2006}
  • 2004
  • Mike Stilman and James Kuffner Navigation Among Movable Obstacles: Real-time Reasoning in Complex Environments IEEE/RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robotics. 2004.

    In this paper, we address the problem of Navigation Among Movable Obstacles (NAMO): a practical extension to navigation for humanoids and other dexterous mobile robots. The robot is permitted to reconfigure the environment by moving obstacles and clearing free space for a path. This paper presents a resolution complete planner for a subclass of NAMO problems. Our planner takes advantage of the navigational structure through state-space decomposition and heuristic search. The planning complexity is reduced to the difficulty of the specific navigation task, rather than the dimensionality of the multiobject domain. We demonstrate real-time results for spaces that contain large numbers of movable obstacles. We also present a practical framework for single-agent search that can be used in algorithmic reasoning about this domain.

      title = {Navigation Among Movable Obstacles: Real-time Reasoning in Complex Environments},
      pages = {322--341},
      month = {November},
      booktitle = {IEEE/RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robotics},
      author = {Mike Stilman and James Kuffner},
      year = {2004}


  • Victor Emeli, Charlie Kemp, and Mike Stilman Push Planning for Object Placement in Clutter Using the PR-2. The PR2 Workshop, IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems. 2011.

    The goal of this project is to investigate the implementation of a planning algorithm for the problem of placing objects on a cluttered surface with a PR-2 mobile manipulator. The original push planning algorithm was initially developed as a simulation. We modified the simulator for execution in real-world cluttered environments. This paper discusses the challenges of implementation and presents empirical results that determine how well the simulator models the real world as clutter is pushed and collides with other objects

      title = {Push Planning for Object Placement in Clutter Using the PR-2.},
      month = {September},
      booktitle = {The PR2 Workshop, IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems},
      author = {Emeli, Victor and Charlie Kemp and Mike Stilman},
      year = {2011}

Technical Reports

  • Martin Levihn, Matthew Dutton, Alexander Trevor, and Mike Stilman Detecting Partially Occluded Objects via Segmentation and Validation no. GT-GOLEM-2012-001. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA. 2012.

    This paper presents a novel algorithm: Verfied Partial Object Detector (VPOD) for accurate detection of partially occluded objects such as furniture in 3D point clouds. VPOD is implemented and validated on real sensor data obtained by our robot. It extends Viewpoint Feature Histograms (VFH) which classify unoccluded objects to also classifying partially occluded objects such as furniture that might be seen in typical office environments. To achieve this result, VPOD employs two strategies. First, object models are segmented and the object database is extended to include partial models. Second, once a matching partial object is detected, the full object model is aligned back into the scene and verified for consistency with the point cloud data. Overall, our approach increases the number of objects found and substantially reduces false positives due to the verification process.

      title = {Detecting Partially Occluded Objects via Segmentation and Validation},
      number = {GT-GOLEM-2012-001},
      institution = {Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA},
      author = {Martin Levihn and Dutton, Matthew and Alexander Trevor and Mike Stilman},
      year = {2012}
  • Martin Levihn and Mike Stilman Efficient Opening Detection no. GT-GOLEM-2011-002. Georgia Institute of Technology. 2011.

    We present an efficient and powerful algorithm for detecting openings. Openings indicate the existence of a new path for the robot. The reliable detection of new openings is of great relevance for the domain of moving objects as a robot typically needs to detect openings for itself to navigate through. It is also especially relevant to the domain of Navigation Among Movable Obstacles in known as well as unknown environments. In these domains a robot has to plan for object manipulations that help it to navigate to the goal. Tremendous speed-ups for algorithms in these domains can be achieved by limiting the considerations of obstacle manipulations to cases where manipulations create new openings. The presented algorithm can detect openings for obstacles of arbitrary shapes being displaced or moving by themselves, in arbitrarily directions in changing environments. To the knowledge of the authors, this is the first algorithm to achieve efficient opening detection for arbitrary shaped obstacles.

      title = {Efficient Opening Detection},
      number = {GT-GOLEM-2011-002},
      institution = {Georgia Institute of Technology},
      author = {Martin Levihn and Mike Stilman},
      year = {2011}

Project Members

